Dive into the World of Endless Creativity with Face Painting

7 Best Carnival Birthday Party Games Ideas for Kids of All Ages

Do you love carnivals? Of course, we all do! 

Who would want to miss the chance to enjoy lots of rides, food, and unique games that challenge us in the most interesting way? 

For the love of carnival and games, let’s get a little creative and plan carnival birthday party games for your birthday this year. 

The best part about these ideas is, adults and kids of all ages can enjoy them. Also, we will discuss some fun DIY carnival birthday party ideas you can try on a budget. 

So, let the games begin!

  1.  Win prizes with a Duck Pond

Win prizes with a Duck Pond

Setting up a duck pond is incredibly good for carnival party games with kids and younger children. 

All you need to do is fill a small pool or tub with water and put rubber ducks inside with numbers written on them. All the participants get to pick a duck with the help of their hands or fishing net and win prizes corresponding to the numbers on the duck. 

An easy peasy carnival birthday game, ideal for people of all ages, especially kids.

2. Try Your Luck with Wheel of Fortune

Try Your Luck with Wheel of Fortune

Playing Wheel of Fortune is one of the oldest activities for carnival birthday games, but it brings the same thrill every time. Also, it’s a simple game with fun challenges and exciting prizes, so everyone gets to win something at the end.

You can create a spinning wheel at home with items, such as cardboard boxes, paints, spinner mechanisms, etc., or buy a ready-made Wheel of Fortune game from your local store. Whatever you decide, make sure to make exciting challenges and offer great prizes for everyone!

3. Fun Frenzy at Spin Art Nation

Fun Frenzy at Spin Art Nation

Forget about kids, Spin Art Nation provides a creative room and freedom to the adults to go wild while they paint their hearts out at Spin Art. 

Imagine yourself locked in a room with lots of paints, empty canvases, and other exciting art tools for 60 minutes. Sounds intriguing, right?

That’s exactly what Spin Art Nation’s sessions are all about. There are three main packages you can choose from. The first package comes with a variety of canvas sizes and allows you to create amazing art on a bicycle taking turns.

The second package is the most creative and entertaining, allowing you to create art on the Spin Art table. The paint is dripped onto a spinning surface, creating unique patterns and designs. It lets you be creative and design your artistic artwork. 

The third package is the best one if you’re planning to celebrate your birthday with kids as it allows you to create your artwork with UV glow paint that glows in the dark.

All in all, Spin Art Nation is the best deal to celebrate your birthday with carnival-themed games with your friends and family. 

4.  Dive into the World of Endless Creativity with Face Painting

Dive into the World of Endless Creativity with Face Painting

Carnival games for birthday parties call for creative face painting. 

Nothing beats the excitement of getting your face painted and being photographed later. 

You can set up your own station where guests can enjoy fun carnival face painting designs, such as clowns, animals, superheroes, fairies, butterflies, etc. 

Make sure the paints you use are non-toxic and preferably natural. 

5.  Surprise your Loved Ones with Balloon Dart Throw

surprise your Loved Ones with Balloon Dart Throw

Make a wish and throw darts to pop balloons and find out your prize!

What exciting carnival theme party games for kids and adults. 

It can also be done as a DIY activity. Simply attach colorful balloons to cardboard and let your guests throw darts to pop the balloons. Each guest gets a great prize or a point value.

For kids, you can fill the balloons with lots of glitter and candies for a more fun filled experience. 

6.  Capture Beautiful Memories with a Photo Booth

Capture Beautiful Memories with a Photo Booth

Planning to host a carnival themed games party with no pictures? So unfair!

Create a carnival themed photo booth with lots of fun decorations and props such as hats, feather boas, oversized glasses, mason jars, and whatnot.

You can also choose a backdrop that fits your theme where guests can take pictures for the gram and seize the moments together. 

7.  Get Rewards with a Lollipop Tree

Get Rewards with a Lollipop Tree

Revive those classic carnival party game memories with the lollipop tree game.

You can also DIY lollipop trees at home. 

  1. Take a large foam board or tree-shaped model
  2. Mark the ends of a few lollipops with a colored marker
  3. With the help of glue, stick all the lollipops (marked and unmarked) onto the foam board until the entire board is filled with lollipops. 

Your guests choose a lollipop to pull; those who manage to pull out the marked ones, get a prize. 

This activity is equally fun for the participants and the host as they get to choose exciting prizes for the winners.


By the way, do you know? 

Spin Art Nation makes your birthday parties even more happening and exciting with group packages, specially designed for birthday parties. 

Get 60 minutes of non-stop fun and games on your birthday at Spin Art Nation, and go home with more than just memories—your artwork to remind you of all the beautiful memories your birthday brought with it. 

Are you ready to take your birthday celebrations to the next, creative level? Make a reservation and book your slots now.

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art


Spin Art & Splatter Studio

San antonio, tx

Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Lincoln Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Lincoln Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Irving Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Irving Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Phoenix, AZ

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Phoenix, AZ

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art, Splatter Room & Rage Room

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art Nation Atlanta

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art


Spin Art & Splatter Studio

San antonio, tx

Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Bloomingdale, IL

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Bloomingdale, IL

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Lincoln Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Lincoln Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Irving Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Irving Park

Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Phoenix, AZ

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Phoenix, AZ

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art, Splatter Room & Rage Room

Atlanta, GA

Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art, Splatter Room & Rage Room

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art

Sugar Hill, GA

Spin Art


Spin Art & Splatter Studio

San antonio, tx

Spin Art & Splatter Studio

Chicago, IL

Bicycle Spin Art

Chicago, il

Bicycle Spin Art


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio


Spin Art, Bicycle Spin Art & Splatter Studio